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Newspaper Date Article Title
TSF Sptember 16, 2014 À descoberta das Aldeias de Xisto
I Online October 4, 2014 Aldeias do Xisto Trail 2014
JN Running October 10, 2014 AXtrail: finalmente a corrida de quem não pode
JN Running October 20 2014 Um fim-de-semana de resultados
Município de Câmara de Lobos July, 2014 Ultra Trail das Aldeias do Xisto
Fugas November 15, 2014 Os desbravadores de Montanhas
Planeta Running January, 2015 La gran fiesta del trail portugués

   No one better than athletes can describe the experiences, feelings, and the hardness of a proof. Their reports and the testimony that they leave are examples for other athletes and teachings for organizations. In this sense, we disclose at this point the links of the reports about UTAX, as well as the other proofs that took place in parallel to this.

     Ultra Trail das Aldeias do Xisto
     " always "Go-Outdoor" toast me with a "Extraordinary" Challenge of Trail Running "Pure, Hard, Genuine" putting at the service of all its huge experience, such as its entrepreneurship innovation, proving that remains in the frontline when we talk in organize a Challenge of Adventures in Trail..."

     Trail Serra da Lousã
AXtrail Kids

       “Serve this text to say that I didn't run, I didn't get tired, I didn's take any warpage. I didn't see the beauty that Lousã Mountain offers. I didn't climb nor go down hills. This time I didn't need. The enthusiasm to equip Inês and Diogo with my compression socks, see them running and dirting the feet in the mud and in the end devouring orange... it gave me back the happiness of living the mountain and of cut a goal!"